Adding a Simple Block

Creating a block is quite similar to creating an item, but now leveraging both the block and item registries, as well as a more in-depth process for creating a model.

Creating and Registering the Block

First we create the block and store it in a field:

public static final Block EXAMPLE_BLOCK = new Block(QuiltBlockSettings.create());

Then we register it in the onInitialize() function:

Registry.register(Registries.BLOCK, new Identifier(mod.metadata().id(), "example_block"), EXAMPLE_BLOCK);

Replace example_block with your block’s name. Write everything in lowercase and separate words using underscores.

Adding an Item for the Block

Having done that, we can place the block using the setblock command but, opening the creative menu, we won’t be able to find an item version of it. To fix this, we register a BlockItem for the block and add it to an item group, in our case BUILDING_BLOCKS:

Registry.register(Registries.ITEM, new Identifier(mod.metadata().id(), "example_block"), new BlockItem(EXAMPLE_BLOCK, new QuiltItemSettings()))

ItemGroupEvents.modifyEntriesEvent(ItemGroups.BUILDING_BLOCKS).register(entries -> {

The item’s name should be the same as your block’s name.

For more information on what this does, see the Creating your First Item Article.

Adding a Model for the Block

First, we need to create the blockstates file for your block. There is one block state for each of the different forms that your block can take: For example, each stage of growth in a crop block is a different block state. The blockstates file simply links all those different block states to their respective models. In this case, the block has only one state, so the block state file is pretty simple. For an example on using a more complicated block state setup, see Adding Redstone functionality to your Block. In this case though can use this simple JSON:


	"variants": {
		"": {
			"model": "simple_block_mod:block/example_block"

Replace simple_block_mod and example_block with your mod id and block name. Be sure to replace them in both the file/folder names and the JSON file.

Now we can put the model at the path specified by the identifier (in this case assets/simple_block_mod/models/block/example_block.json).

	"parent": "minecraft:block/cube_all",
	"textures": {
		"all": "simple_block_mod:block/example_block"

Replace simple_block_mod and example_block as before. This will use the texture located at assets/simple_block_mod/textures/block/example_block.png for all sides of the block.

Our block item needs a model too, but instead of simply using a texture as we did in the item tutorial, we’ll declare the block model as a parent in the item model. This will render the block item identically to how the block would look in-game.


	"parent": "simple_block_mod:block/example_block"

Replace simple_block_mod and example_block as before.

Adding a translation for the Block

Last but not least we need to add a translation for the block. This will automatically apply to the block item, too.


	"block.simple_block_mod.example_block": "Example Block"

Replace simple_block_mod and example_block as before.

What’s next?

Now that you’ve added a block to Minecraft, you can continue by Adding an oriented Block, Adding Redstone functionality to your Block, or adding advanced items such as armor, food or tools